
[科幻] 葡萄



◎ 片  名:葡萄 Bobule (2008) IMDB:1105753
◎ 类  别:喜剧
◎ 导  演:Tomás Barina
◎ 编  剧:Tomás Barina
◎ 主  演:Krystof Hádek ... Honza
      Tereza Vorísková ... Klára
      Lukas Langmajer ... Jirka
      Lubomír Lipský ... Deda Adámek
      Lucie Benesová ... Marketka
      Tomás Matonoha ... Pritel Klarky
      Václav Postránecký ... Michalica
      Marian Roden ... Frantisek
◎ 其他外语片名:Grapes (International: English title)
◎ 时  长:95 min
◎ 地  区:捷克
◎ 语  言:捷克语
◎ 电影简介:
      本片讲述了两位朋友的一次意外之行,令他们意识到你不必去海边,也能享受一次美妙的假期. 在去海边的路上,你可以在 Moravia 的Pálava 地区暂时停留几天,在酒窖中度过一个假期. 从酒窖中看 Moravia,充满了有趣的经历和故事,别有一番趣味...
One of the most popular Czech films this year has been "Grapes"(Bobule), directed by Tomás Barina. Bobule’s editor and producer AdamDvořák told CBW that he never expected such interest from the Czechaudience. "I am always pessimistic about the prospects for our filmprojects," he said. The film’s budget was Kč 24 million and it was notsponsored by the state fund. Money came from a fund to support wine,the film’s main topic, from film distributor Bioscop, which is adivision of Magic Box, and from private sources.
今年最受欢迎的一部捷克电影便是由 Tomás Barina 导演的《葡萄》 (Bobule)。《葡萄》的剪辑兼制作人 Adam Dvořák告诉 CBW (捷克商业网) 说,他从预期到捷克观众会对本片有如此之大的热情."我对我们的电影项目前景的看法一直非常悲观",他说。本片的预算是2千4百万捷克克朗并且不是由国家基金赞助。资金一部分是来自一个支持葡萄酒业的基金——这也是本片的主题,一部分是来自电影发行商 Bioscop——它是 Magic Box下的一个部门,还有一部分来自私人出资.☆☆☆电影截图☆☆☆

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  • 2854390 金币 +10 感谢您给大众带来精品 2008-11-22 00:45


never watch a czech movie b4 , from the pic the girls looks pretty and the story seem funny , thanks


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